Pancakes are delicious and everyone young and old loves them. The thing is most people have been doing this wrong for so long they do not know what great pancakes taste like anymore. Go to most restaurants and they are repeating the same mistakes. Not using a scratch made batter. Mixes suck! Let me say that again. You are a moron if you are using a mix. Sorry but its true. This is the easiest thing to make from scratch that there is NO EXCUSE to EVER use a mix. PERIOD!
Make Pancakes Great Again

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Get two bowls. Put all the dry ingredients in one and all the wet in another. Mix the dry ingredients together so they are well mixed with each other. Now do the same with the wet.
When that is done add the dry to the wet ingredients and mix with a large whisk. You want to use a circular stroke and you go around the bowl. Get the dry stuff all mixed with the wet.
Many say to use only 17 strokes max or your pancakes will get too tough and chewy. I have not found that to be true. You do not have to get all the lumps out of your batter but you want most of them broken up. This will take 20 seconds, maybe 30 tops. Don't go whipping it all day but don't worry about a stroke count.
When its done it should start to puff almost immediately. Let this stand at least 5 minutes
Heat your pan to medium high heat. A few drops of water should dance and pop off the pan when its ready. Once its hot add a little bit of butter or oil to coat the pan lightly for the first pancake. Use a paper towel to mop up any excess.
Pour the batter into your pan. Move the pan a little to get the batter to settle a little. Now wait!
Whens the bubbles form you are close. When they start to say open its time to flip. Flip carefully
Cook on the second side about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. You can peak to see if you have good browning on the bottom. The pancake should have some nice volume to it at this point.
Place the finished pancakes in a warm oven on a baking sheet to keep them warm. DO NOT stack them on top of each other if possible or you will lose all that great volume that makes them so tasty.