This is an oldie but a goodie in my house. The recipe for the sauce is so old it was originally translated from Aramaic. Not really but just about. I have updated it a little as the original was really outdated and we have so many more ingredients available now it would be a shame to not include them.
There are a few things before you take this one on. You will need a big grill. This can’t be done on a small portable grill, it just can’t. A vegetable grill basket is a great idea and these cable skewers changed my life. You can use regular metal skewers but I would avoid wood or bamboo. This tends to flare up will all the oil in the marinade and they will catch fire and burn very easily.
Start by making the marinade in blender. If you have a plastic blender it will tend to soak up this flavor and your next batch of margaritas or milk shakes may be a bit funky. Clean it and then clean it again! Add everything but the oil to the blender and blend it all up. With the blender running slowly drizzle in the oil to make an emulsion. If you do not do this it will not taste right. Seriously, do not skip this step. Set the marinade aside will you prep the chicken and vegetables.
Cutting the chicken sucks, it just does. You want the pieces about 1 1/2″ square and the same thickness but its chicken thighs so good luck with that. Its okay to leave the pieces longer and fold them over when you skewer them.
When cutting the vegetables try to make all the piece about the same size. If you are skewering them as well size really matters. Knife skills are always important but more so here.
If you use the cable skewers you can skewer them dry and put the whole think in a zip top bag before pouring the marinade over them. If you use straight metal skewers you will have to marinade the piece before you skewer them. This gets SUPER messy. Trust me, just get the cable skewers. 2 will be enough for this recipe. Put all the chicken on one and the veggies on the other. It looks prettier if you mix it up but it cooks better if its all chicken and all veg. Screw pretty. Flavor is king!
Cooking…. preheat your grill to medium/high heat (400F). Place the chicken directly on the grill. Do not use one of those skewer racks. You want grill marks! Do not dump all your marinade down the grill. Gently lift the meat onto the grill, keeping the bag full of juice to re apply as they cook. Scoop out the veggies with a slotted spoon or kitchamajig into the the grill basket. Keep the chicken bag separate from the veg bag. Only pour the chicken juice on the chicken!
Chicken Kabobs